The Bored Wolves Inn
The Bored Wolves Inn
Alex Keramidas Reads Three Poems from “Vestibular Training”

Alex Keramidas Reads Three Poems from “Vestibular Training”

Grecian grooves

Only the dry fountains are left…

In the sempiternal scenography of the Italian-Greek poet Alex Keramidas, whose zine Vestibular Training we are publishing later this month, things “making appearances” might initially strike one as memorably motionless. And yet blossoms on rocks are touched; a marble staircase shifts; an archaic flag flaps; polka dots crash. And herbs cause quite a stir.

Throughout, there is an element of idiomatic tag, with a thought traced back and forth through a warren of Greek, Italian, French, and English (Alex’s fourth language) as the poet navigates her tongues and selves in an attempt to turn lingual knots into lanyards.

There is, too, “sage and rosemary on the nearby hill / (noisy, noisy herbs).”


Vestibular Training will feature cover art by Rowena Hughes. The three poems Alex reads above are:

“Two Hesitations (after Seferis)”

“Visit to G. Seferis”

“Easter in Athens”

“I asked / If I could write this down.” Poet Alex Keramidas.